Tibetan Thanka Painting: Portrayal of Mysticism
“In this book, Pema Namdol Thaye helps to deepen the reader’s understanding of the Tibetan art of thanka painting through a clear and authentic explanation. It is my hope that this book will enhance appreciation of our unique artistic traditions and that is will encourage present and future generations of Tibetan artists as they struggle to preserve their ancient and rich traditions.”
In Tibetan Thanka Painting: Portrayal of Mysticism Pema Namdol offers insight into the extraordinary art of thanka painting, covering topics such as: the fundamental concepts of thanka painting, the stylistic history of the art form, types of thankas and figures, the eight processes required to create a thanka, and an intricate overview of thirty-two deity figures. This book also includes a most treasured description of the crucial factors of absorption, conceptualization, and creativity required of a master thanka artist.
Published in 2000 with a preface from His Holiness Dalai Lama, this beautiful and informative 209 page hardcover book - with over one hundred color images - is a must for Tibetologists, scholars, students, artists, those intrigued by Buddhism, and those who simply wish to share Pema Namdol's passion and enjoy the pages of ethereal beauty.
“Once the artist delves into the world of the object, the sense of separateness from the painting disappears, as if not only your effort creates the painting, but also the painting itself is the creator. This intermingling of the artist and the art is as if each one is effectively the creator and the creation. The experience can be equated to that of the meditative state or the state of “flow” when reality as we know it, no longer exists. From this develops an innate understanding or wisdom that directs one through the process of creativity.”