Tang Teaching Museum
The Second Buddha: Master of Time
Saratoga Springs, NY, Feb 9 - May 19
Pema Namdol Thaye’s Guru Dorje Drölo thanka painting joins The Second Buddha: Master of Time exhibit.
An Artist’s View of the Second Buddha talk by Pema Namdol on Feb 19th.

Asian Art Museum
A Guided Tour of Hell
San Francisco, CA, April 20 - Sept 16
Solo exhibit of Pema Namdol’s Zhitro “One Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Buddhas” thankas, and acrylic paintings from the graphic novel A Guided Tour of Hell: A Graphic Memoir.

Asian Art Museum
San Francisco, CA March 18
A Guided Tour of Hell book launch and art viewing. A conversation with Samuel Bercholz, Pema Namdol Thaye, and Jeffrey Durham.
Boulder Shambhala Center
Boulder, CO, Jan 21
Exploring the Bardos of Life and Death.
Pema Namdol and Samuel Bercholz teaching a bardo workshop, Boulder Shambhala Center (2017)
The Rubin Museum of Art
New York, NY, Dec 7
Book launch and art viewing of A Guided Tour of Hell with special guest actor/director Steve Buscemi.
Pacific Palms Resort
Los Angeles, CA, Sept 14
Exhibition of the Zhitro Mandala for Universal Peace 3-D mandala.
SF Arts of Pacific Asia Show
San Francisco, CA, Feb 2-5
Exhibition of thankas, contemporary paintings, and metal work.
NY Arts of Pacific Asia Show
New York, NY, March 21-25
Exhibition of thankas, contemporary paintings, and metal work.
SF Fine Arts Fair
San Francisco, CA, May 16-20
Exhibition of thankas, contemporary paintings, and metal work.
Tibet House
Tibetan Contemporary Art: Tantric Visions in Modern Self-Expression
New York, NY, Sept 14 - Nov 15
Two of Pema Namdol’s contemporary artworks join an impression collection of evocative and emotive pieces of the changing landscape of Tibetan art.
Kalachakra for World Peace
Studio Exhibition
Washington, DC, July 6-16
Studio exhibition at the Kalachakra for World Peace.
Ari Bhöd
Tehachapi, CA, Permanent Exhibition
Zangdok Pelri 3-D Mandala, and over twenty-five thanka paintings.
Hammer Museum
The Mandala Project
Los Angeles, CA, Oct 26-Nov 7
Exhibition of Zandok Pelri 3-D model.
Rubin Museum of Art
Bardo: Tibetan Art and the Afterlife
New York, NY, Feb 12-Sept 6
Exhibition of Völkerkunde Museum’s 3-D Zhitro mandalas.
Tibet House
Modern Buddhist Visions by Pema Namdol Thaye
New York, NY, Feb 11-April 16
Solo exhibition of thanka paintings, jewelry, sculpture, wood craft, and painting materials.
2009 - 2010
Rubin Museum of Art
Mandala: The Perfect Circle
New York, NY, Aug 14 - Jan 11
Exhibition of Völkerkunde Museum’s 3-D Zhitro mandalas.
Pacific Asia Museum
The Thankas of Master Artist Pema Namdol Thaye
Pasadena, CA, Jan 16-18
Solo thanka exhibition.
Ari Bhöd
Zhitro Mandala
Tehachapi, CA, Permanent Exhibition
Zhitro 3-D Mandala of the One Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Buddhas.
Forest Lawn Museum
Mysticism Demystified: Appreciating Buddhist Art and Meaning
Glendale, CA, Feb 16 - May 12
Solo Thanka painting exhibit.
Pacific Asia Museum
The Universe: Constructing the Cosmos in the Religious Arts of Asia
Pasadena, CA, Feb 4 - May 6
Exhibition of 3-D Zhitro Mandala.
San Diego Museum of Art
75th Anniversary Celebration
San Diego, CA, Aug 16 - Nov 11
Exhibition centerpiece: 3-D Zhitro Mandala.
Chagdud Gonpo
Los Angeles, CA, 2001-2005
Exhibition of 3-D Zhitro Mandala.
Forest Lawn Museum
Mandala Consecration by HH Dalai Lama
Glendale, CA, November
Exhibition of 3-D Zhitro Mandala.
Tibet House
The Creativity of Tradition: The Art of Pema Namdol Thaye
New York, NY, Feb - April
Solo exhibition of forty traditional thanka paintings.
Limn Gallery
The Creativity of Tradition: The Art of Pema Namdol Thaye
San Francisco, CA, May - June
Solo exhibition of forty traditional thanka paintings.
Cultural Centre of Daoulas Abbey
Brittany, France
3-D Zhitro mandala exhibited as part of a five month Bhutan exhibit.
Völkerkunde Museum
Bardo Mandala Show
Zürich, Switzerland
Exhibit of 3-D Zhitro Mandala.
Victoria & Albert Museum
London, England
Solo exhibit of select thanka painting
Völkerkunde Museum
Bardo Mandala Show
Zürich, Switzerland
3-D Zhitro mandala exhibited for one year. The mandala was then exhibited in Graz, Austria, in 1995, and in Rutibobelbad, Switzerland, in 1996.
The Tibet Exhibition in Japan
3-D Zhitro Mandala
Tokyo, Osaka, Kitakyushu, Awameri, and Sendai
Jointly constructed by Ven. Lama Tsarak Gonpo Tenzing Rinpoche and Pema Namdol.
Zangdok Pelri Monastery
Zhitro Mandala
Kalimpong, India, Permanent Exhibit
This mandala was the first 3-D Vajrayana mandala ever to be constructed outside of Tibet. Constructed during Pema Namdol’s apprenticeship with Ven. Lama Gonpo Tenzing Rinpoche.